Roll a Masterpiece! Abstract Art Paper Collage | Dobj egy műalkotást! Absztrakt papírkollázs

With this lesson, students will use a dice and a roll-and-draw chart to create their own suprematist-style painting, inspired by the works of Kazimir Malevich. By cutting, pasting, and composing their own colorful paper collages, students will have the freedom to make choices and explore their own creativity.

But this lesson isn’t just about creating beautiful art – it’s also an opportunity for students to learn about the history of modern art and the influential work of Kazimir Malevich. This renowned modern artist is known for his abstract and geometric compositions, and students will have the chance to study his works and gain a deeper appreciation for the world of modern art.

Kazimir Malevich – Russian Painter, Sculptor and Stage Designer – 1879-1935
He was a pioneer of abstract art. Malevich worked in a variety of styles, but his most important and famous works concentrated on the exploration of pure geometric forms, which style he called “Suprematism”. His Suprematism movement was founded in 1913 and lasted into the 1920s. The art style shares minimalist ideals and was restricted to incorporating only simple shapes and a limited color palette.

This lesson is a fun and interactive way to engage students in art history and encourage them to think creatively and independently. Whether you’re looking for a standalone lesson or a fun activity to supplement your art curriculum, “Roll a Masterpiece! Abstract Art Paper Collage inspired by Kazimir Malevich” is the perfect choice. So why not roll the dice and create your own masterpiece today?

The worksheet is available on TpT!

Színes papírokkal, ollóval, ragasztóval dolgozunk. Oszloponként haladunk, dobókockával választjuk ki az egyes képelemeket, amelyeket a képmezőre komponálunk. A feladatlapot itt találjátok.
Munka közben a diákok megtapasztalhatják az absztrakt komponálás örömét, közben a művészettörténet egy fontos mérföldkövével ismerkednek.
